
Sunday, 18 November 2012

ރީތި ކަތީބު ވާހަކަ

Wednesday, 1 August 2012



Power house

Green house

Football ground


School assembly

(Masjidhuh Salaam)



Saturday, 23 June 2012

The true story of Salman Al Farsi, part 1

Salman the Persian details: Early Years in Persia (Iran)

According to the investigations and researches of the Arab historians, Salman was born in or around the year 568 A.D., in a small town in Persia called Jiyye. The modern city of Isfahan stands on the site of Jiyye. Incidentally, Salman was not the name given to him at his birth. His Persian name was Rozeba. Many years later when he became a Muslim, his master, Muhammed Mustafa, the Messenger of Allah (May Allah bless him and his Ahlul-Bayt), changed his name to Salman. During the years when he was at the court of his master, Muhammed Mustafa, his friends sometimes, also addressed him, as Abu Abdullah (the father of Abdullah).

Salman's father was a rich landlord and a powerful political figure in Jiyye and the surrounding areas. He had much prosperity in the city, and vast estates in the country, and he had numerous slaves and many herds of horse. Since Salman was his only son he lavished all his love upon him.

Most Persians (Iranians) in those days were Magians or Zoroastrians (followers of the Persian prophet Zoroaster). Salman was also taught the principles and doctrines of Zoroastrianism. He was in his early teens when he grasped the highly complex, sometimes esoteric doctrines and dogmas of the Persian national belief and soon he knew as much as his own teachers and the priests of the Zoroastrian fire temples of Jiyye did.

In those days in Persia, it was considered a great honor to be a priest in one of the fire-temples. Service in a fire-temple provided the priests with status, prestige and numerous perquisites. Since in Persian also, the priests could reach high position in local and "national" governments, Salman's father managed to get him appointed as a priest in the local fire-temple while he was only sixteen years old.

For three years, Salman played priest in the fire-temple of Jiyye but then he began to lost interest in his work. It had become too monotonous and wearisome for him. The priests were men of limited vision and limited knowledge and they were too dogmatic. If he posed any creedal question to them, they were, in most cases, unable to answer him; or, they spoke in a language of allusions, historical allegories and parallels.

One day in spring (circa 586 A.D.), Salman's father had some important business to attend to at one of his country houses. But before he could go to the country, some merchants arrived in Jiyye from the ancient city of Balkh and to entertain them he had to stay in Jiyye itself. He, therefore, asked Salman to go in his stead, and briefed him on what he had to do at the country house.

The following day Salman left Jiyye for his father's country estate. When Salman had traveled a few miles from the city, he came upon a fork in the road, and standing upon the brow of an eminence, he paused for a few minute to survey the surroundings and to determine the direction of his destination.

The light was now rapidly advancing from the east, and was tinting the landscape. Presently the sun rose and as Salman was still basking in the stream of the rays of the rising sun a grey stone edifice, partly veiled in golden mist, caught his eye. It was some distance from the road, and Salman decided to find out what it was and to whom did it belong. He, therefore, went near it to take a closer look at it.

Salman, propelled by his curiosity, entered the building to investigate. Inside, people were conducting a religious service and a choir was singing a hymn in a foreign language, which he did not understand. When the service was over, one member of the congregation came to him, greeted him, and asked him who he was, and what was the purpose of his visit.

Salman told him who he was, and explained that he wished to know who they were, and what creed they professed. He was taken to the "high priest" who explained to him that they were Christians from Syria and explained to him the Oneness of God, the Day of Judgment, and the role of the Apostles, Messengers and Prophets of God. Salman questioned the Christian priest regarding their beliefs and eventually the priest initiated him into Christianity.

When Salman was late coming home, his father became very anxious. His father sat, hacked with nameless fears and dark forebodings, in the court of his palatial house, surrounded by his friends who were trying to comfort him. Suddenly, Salman entered through the gate. His father threw his arms around him and asked him where he had disappeared.

Salman proceeded to explain to his father that he had ridden past a church of Christians and was with them all day long. His father then said that he hoped that those people hadn't misled him and his religion and the religion of his forefathers was the right one. Salman refuted his father by proclaiming that their religion was better than Zoroastrianism.

Angered by this, his father threatened him with imprisonment and torture if Salman did not swear that he had not and will not change his religion. Salman, however, refused and was beaten and tortured, and was kept hungry and thirsty in his prison day after day.

One of the servants of Salman's father was a young man called Mehran. He had reared Salman from his infancy, and he loved him like his own son. Salman knew that he could trust Mehran, and asked him one day if he could put him touch with the Christian priest who might assist him in escaping to Syria.

Mehran was only too glad to give this service to his young master and he arranged for his escape. After a few days Mehran came to see Salman and informed him that a caravan was ready to leave for Syria. The following night Mehran entered his cell, removed the shackles from his feet, gave him a new set of clothes to wear, and led him quietly out of the house while everyone was sound asleep.

Outside the house, a horse was awaiting Salman. He thanked Mehran for his invaluable help, bade him a silent and tearful farewell, and rode out of Jiyye. Upon arrival in the church, Salman thanked his Christian friends for what they were doing him. The priests gave special instructions to the leader of the caravan regarding the welfare of Salman. The high priest then committed Salman to the protection of God. The caravan left Jiyye the same night, and moving at a brisk pace, put considerable distance between itself and the city before daybreak.

The Years in the Wilderness

Nearly a month after its departure from Jiyye in Persia, the caravan arrived in the ancient city of Damascus. Salman had come to the journey's end but quite frequently; the end of one journey is the beginning of another. Salman too had a new journey ahead of him but he knew that the new journey would be in the realm of spirit.

Salman at this time was in the nineteenth year of his life. He was rangy and muscular, and he had a powerful build. He was endowed with a highly retentive memory, and a most penetrating intelligence. He had a critical and an analytic mind that applied logic to every situation. In his physical characteristics and his mental attributes he surpassed all the young men of his age and generation. Just as he was tall, broad and robust beyond his years, he was also wise, prudent, and sagacious and his experience. Early in his life, he had cultivated a temperate personality. In Jiyye - his hometown - he had riches, luxury, and high status - all within grasp. But he spurned them all, and he did so not withstanding his extreme youth. Instead of seeking power and pleasure, as other young men of his generation did, he made the pursuit of Knowledge and Truth the "vocation" of his life. He was the idealist par excellence.

After leaving Jiyye in Persia, Salman lived in four other cities. He lived for ten years in Damascus, and then during the next twenty years, he lived in Mosul, Nasibin and Ammuria. In each of these cities, he read, studied, observed, and he assimilated all the religious knowledge that was extant. He also spent much time in devotions in the hope of finding the gift of enlightenment and inner peace. But his religious experience during this period was almost entirely subjective. It arose out of and was identified by means of his awareness of his own mental states and psychological processes. There were times when his interior world became so vivid that he lost touch with the exterior world. This alarmed him. One question that arose persistently in his mind was if it was right to turn one's back upon the world and its problems, and to try to win felicity and inner peace for one's owns self.

With the passage of time, the specter of doubt began to rear its head in Salman's thoughts. He felt that Truth - the Ultimate Truth - was still hidden from his, and this after an effort to find it that had spanned more than a quarter century. When Salman was tormented too much by these thoughts, and when he knew he had come to and impasse, he turned to God, and prayed to Him to give him deliverance from doubt and skepticism, and lead him to the destination which He had chosen for him. Little did he know, the light of guidance that he wished and hoped to see, was soon to appear on the horizon.


The last city, in which Salman lived, was Ammuria - a city in the eastern part of Asia Minor - then a province of the Eastern Roman Empire or the Byzantium Empire. It was in Ammuria that he heard, for the first time, vague reports of the appearance, in Makkah in Arabia, of a new prophet. According to these reports, this new prophet forbade the worship of idols and images and preached the doctrine of the absolute sovereignty and Oneness of God.

It occurred to Salman that the Flame of Truth, which he was seeking, might be the one burning in Makkah in Arabia. Suddenly, Makkah appeared to be beckoning him to come. He, therefore, made up his mind to go to Makkah to meet the Arabian prophet as soon as his circumstances would allow, and to interrogate him personally on the problems, which had been perplexing him. 

Monday, 18 June 2012


People have used the sea for travel for thousands of years. The modern scientific instruments that many navigators used today were not known to the early sailors. Yet, these early sailors were able to find their way. They observed the movements of the Sun during the day and knowledge of astronomy helped them to navigate at night. Even today, despite the advanced instruments, it is not uncommon to hear an old Maldivian navigator talking about the stars.

An important star that is helpful in navigation is the Pole Star. The Pole Star does not rise and set like the other stars because it is fixed almost exactly over the North Pole. Therefore, people in the northern hemisphere can always see it fixed to the north, throughout the night. It is not only helpful to find out the north    
but also to determine the latitude of a place. The Pole star is known as "Gahaa" to the Maldivian sailors. In an equatorial country like Maldives, it is difficult to see the Pole star because it lies too low on the horizon. Hence, people here, use a constellation (group of stars) called Ursa Major or the Great Bear to locate the Pole Star. The seven stars of this constellation make an outline of  an up-side-down saucepan with a curved handle. This is shown in the illustration and the first two stars point to the pole Star.

The Maldivian sailors inherited this traditional knowledge of astronomy and navigation over hundreds of generations. With this knowledge they were able to travel to India, Sri Lanka, Africa, South East Asia and West Asia.

Posted by Ali Fahumee

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

އަބޫޤުދާމާ އާއި ޒުވާން ފިރިހެން ކުއްޖާ

  • އަބޫޤުދާމާއާއި ޒުވާން ފިރިހެން ކުއްޖާގެ ވާހަކަ         

އެއީ ސަތާރަ އަހަރުގެ ޒުވާން ކުއްޖެކެވެ.  އޭނާގެ މޫނަކީ ހަނދުފަދަ އަލިކަމެއް ލިބިގެންވާ މޫނެކެވެ. އަހަރެން އޭނާއަށް ބުނިން "އޭ ދަރިފުޅާ ތިބާގެ ބައްޕަ ދުނިޔޭގައި އެބަހުރިތަ؟" އޭނާ ބުނި "ޞަލީބީންވަނީ އަހަރެން ބައްޕަ ޤަތުލުކޮއްފަ، ޝަހީދުކޮށްފަ، އަހަރެން މިނުކުއްނަނީ އަހަރެންގެ ބައްޕަ ޤަތުލު ކުރި މީހުންނާ ހަނގުރާމަކުރަން" އަހަރެން ބުނެފިން އެހެންވިއްޔާ"މަންމަ އެބަހުރިތަ؟" އޭނާ ބުނި "އާދެ" އަހަރެންބުނިން "އެހެންވިއްޔާ އެމަންމަ ގާތަށްގޮސް މަންމައަށް ހެޔޮކޮން ހިތުމުގައި ހޭދަކުރޭ ސުވަރުގެ ވަނީ މަންމަގެ ފައިތިލައިގެ ދަށުގައި" އޭނާބުނި "އަހަރެންގެ މަންމަ ނުދަންނަންތަ؟

 އަހަރެންގެ މަންމައެއީ ރޭގައި ކޮތަޅެއް ހިފައިގެން އެ އައީ، އެ މަންމަ އަހަރެންނަށް ބުނި އޭދަރިފުޅާ ކާފަރުންނާ ބައްދަލުވެއްޖެނަމަ ފަސްދީނޭނބުރޭތި. ﷲ އަށް ތިބާގެ ނަފުސުހިބަކޮށް އެ އިލާހުގެ ކުއްތައް ހޯދާ ދަރިފުޅުގެ ބައްޕަޔާ މަންމަ ފަރާތުގެ ބޮޑުބޭންނާއެކު ސުވަރުގޭގައި ވުމުގެ ނިއުމަތް ހޯދާ ދަރިފުޅަށް ޝަހީދުވުމުގެ ފުރުސަތު ލިބިއްޖެއްޔާ މަންމައަށް ޝަފާއަތްތެރިވިދީ. އެއަށްފަހު އެކުއްޖާ އަހަރެންނާ މުހާތަބުކޮށް ބުނި ﷲ އަށްޓަކައި ބުނަން ﷲ ގެ މަގުގައި ތިބާއާއެކު ޖިހާދުކުރުމަށް އަހަރެންނަށް ފުރުސަތުދެއްވާ އެކަމުން އަހަރެން މަހްރޫމް ނުކުރައްވާ. އަހަރެންނަކީ ޝަހިދެއްގެ ދަރި ޝަހީދެއް އަހަރެން ޤުރްއާން ހިތުދަސްކޮށްފައިވާނެ. ޝަވާރުވުމާ ދުނިދަނޑީގެ ހުނަރު އަހަރެންވާނީ ދަސްކޮށްފައި، އަހަރެންގެ ޒުވާން ކަމަށްޓަކައި އަހަރެން ނިކަމެތިކޮށްނުލާށެވެ.
 އެކުއްޖާގެ ކިބައިން މިވާހަކަތައް އަޑުއެހުމަށްފަހު އެކުއްޖާ އަނބުރާ ފޮނުވާލާކަށް އަހަރެންނަކަށް ނުކެރުނު، އެކުއްޖާގެ ކިބައިން މިވާހަކަތައް އަޑުއެހުމަށްފަހު އެކުއްޖާ އަނބުރާ ފޮނުވާލާކަށް އަހަރެންނަކަށް ނުކެރުނުއެވެ.

 ﷲ ގަންދީފައި ބުނަން އެއީ އަޖައިބެއްފަދަ ކުއްޖެއް، އަހަރެމެންގެ ތެރޭގައި އެވަރުގެ ހުނަރުވެރިޔަކު މަދު، ސަވާރުވެއްޖެއްޔާ އެއަށްވުރެ ބާރަށް ދަތުރުކުރާ މީހަކުނެތް، އަހަރެމެން މަންޒިލަކަށް ފައިބަިފިއްޔާމު އެއަށްވުރެ ހީވާގި މުރާލި މީހަކުނެތް. އެއްމެހާ ވަގުތު ތަކެއްގައި އޭނާގެ ދޫ އޮންނަނީ ﷲ ގެ ޒިކުރު ކުރުމުގައި ތެތްމާފައިއެވެ. އެންމެފަހުން ދަތުރުކޮށްފައިގޮސް ޓެންޓާހަމަޔަށް ދެވިއްޖެއެވެ. އެއްަޗެއްކެތްކުމަށްޓަކައި އަހަރެމެން ތަންކޮޅެއް ދުރައްދިއުމަށް އޭނާއަށް އެދުނިން. އޭގެފަހުން މާބޮޑަށް ލަސްވެގެން އޭނާގެ ޙަބަރެއް ނުވެގެން ވީގޮތެއް ބަލައިލުމަށްޓަކައި އަހަރެއް ހިނގައްޖައިން.

 އެކުއްޖާއޮތީ ވަރުބަލިކަމުން ހިލަގަނޑެއްގައި ބޯއަޅައިލައިގެން ނިދިފައެވެ. އަހަރެންނަށް އޭނާގެ ހާލުފެނުމާއެކު ހޭލަޢްވާލާކަށްވެސް ނުކެރުނު އަދި އޭނާ އެތާބާއްވާފައި އެކުވެރީންގެ ގާތަށްދާކަށްވެސް ނުކެރުނެވެ. އެކުއްޖާ ނިދީގެތެރޭގައި ހިނިތުންވާންފަށައިފިއެވެ. އިތުރަށް އެކުއްޖާއާމެދު ސަމާލުވެ ބަލަންފަށައިފިން. އޭނާގެ ހިނިތުންވުން ފަހަރަކަށްވުރެ ފަހަރެއް އިތުރުވުމުންގޮސް އެންމެފަހުން ވަރަށް ބޮޑަށް ހިނިއައިސްގެން އޭނާ ހޭލައިފިއެވެ. އަދި އޭނާހުރީ ވަރަށް އުފަލުން ފޮޅިފައިއެވެ. ކުއްލިއަކަށް އޭނާއަށް އަހަރެންފެނުމުން ސިއްސައިގެން ގޮށްސި އަދި އެޔާއެކު މާލަސްވެއްޖެދޯ މިހެންބުނެ ކާތަކެތި ތައްޔާރުކުރުމަށްޓަކާ  އުޅެގެންފިއެވެ. އަހަރެންބުނީން އެއްވެސް ކާއެއްޗެއް ބޭނުމެއްނޫން ތިޔަދިމާވި ކަންތަކުގެ ވާހަކަ އަހަރެންނަށް ކިޔައިދޭންވާނެ. އޭނާބުނި ނޫން ބޮޑުބޭބޭ މީ އަހަރެންނާ ﷲ އާދެމެދުގައިވާ ސިއްރެއް. އަހަރެންބުނީން ނޫން ތިވާހަކަވާނީ ކިޔައިދޭން.

 އެންމެފަހުން އޭނާބުނި އާނ ބޮޑުބޭބޭ. އަހަރެން ހުވަފެނުގައި ދުށީން. އަހަރެންނަށް ސުވަރުގެ ވަދެވިގެން އުޅެނިކޮން. އެތާގެ ރީތިކަމާ ފުރިހަމަކަމުގެ ވާހަކަ ދައްކާނެކަމެއްނެތް. ﷲ ގެ ފޮތުގައި ސިފަކުރައްވާފައިވާ ފަދައިން އެތަންވަނީ. އަހަރެން އެތާގެތެރެއަށް ވަންނަމުން ދިޔައިރު ގަނޑުވަރެއް ދުށީން ރަނާ ރިހީގެ ފާރުތަކުން ހެދިފައިވާތަނެއް. އެތާގެ ތަޅުންވަނީ ތަފާތު ޔާގޫތުތަކުން ޒިނަތްތެރިކުރެވިފައެވެ. ދޮރުތައްވަނީވެސް ރަނުން. އެތާގައި ފަރުދާތަކެއްހުރި. އެފަރުދާތަކުގެ އަނެއްފަރާތުގައި ރީތިރިތި އެއްއުމުރެއްގެ ޒުވާން އަންހެންކުދީންތަކެއް ތިބިއެވެ. އެކަނބަލުންގެ މޫނުތައްހީވަނީ ހަނދުތަކެއްހެން. ރީތިކަމާއި ފުރިހަމަކުމުގެ ވާހަކަ ދައްކާނެކަމެއްނެތް. އެހުރިހާ އަންހެންކުދިންނަށްވުރެ މާފުރިހަމަވެގެންވާ ޖާރިޔާއެއް އަހަރެން ދުށިން. އެޖާރިޔާގެ ކަނާތްފަރާތުގައިވާ އެހެންޖާރިޔާއަކަށް އަހަރެންދައްކާފައި މީ މަރްލިއްޔާގެ ފިރިމީހާއޭ ބުނެލި.

 އަހަރެންކުއްލިއަކަށް ހައިރާންވެއްޖައިން. އަހަރެންނަކަށް މަރްލިއްޔާއަކީ ކާކުކަމެއްވެސް ނޭގެއެވެ. އަހަރެން ކުއްލިއަކަށް ތީ މަރްލިއްޔާއޭ އަހައިލައިފިން. އެ ޖާރިޔާ ބުނި ނޫން. އަހަރެންނަކީ މަރްލިއްޔާގެ ޚާދިމާއިންކުރެ ޚާދިމާއެއް. މަރްލިއްޔާ އާ ބައްދަލުކުރަން ބޭނުންތަ؟ ގަނޑުވަރުގެ ތެރެއަށް ވަށްނަވާ. އެހެންބުނުމާއެކު އަހަރެން ގަނޑުވަރުގެ ތެރެއަށް ވަނިން. އެތާގެ ތެރެގައި ހުދު ރަނުންހުރި ކޮޓަރިއެއް ހަދައިފައިހުރި. ރަންރިހި ޖަވައިހިރުން މުޅިތަންވަނީ ޒީނަތްތެރި ކުރެވިފައެވެ. ހުދުރިހިން ހަދައިފައިވާ އެނދެންގެ މަތީގައި ޖާރިޔާއެއް އިން. އެކަނބުލޭގެ މޫނު ހީވަނީ އިރެއްހެން. އޭނާގެ ރީތިކަމާއި ފުރިހަމަކަން އަދި މާބޮދުވެގެންވެ. އެޖާރިޔާއަށް އަހަރެން ފެނުމާއެކު ވާހަކަ ދަށްކަންފެށި. ﷲ ގެ ވަލީވެރިޔާއަށް މަރުހަބާއޭ ގޮވާލި. އަހަރެންމީ ތިބާގެ މިލްކެއް. އަދި ތީ އަހަރެންގެ މިލްކެއް. އެގޮތަށްގޮވާ އަހަރެންނާ މުހާތަބުކުރަންފެށި.

 އަހަރެންނަށް އެވާހަކަތަޢް އިވުމާއެކު އަދި އެޖާރިޔާގެ ފުރިހަމަކަމާ ރީތިކަމަށްޓަކައި އެ ޖާރިޔާކައިރިޔަށް އަހަރެންނަށް ދެވިއްޖެ. އަދި އެކަނބުލެގެ ގައިގައި އަތްލުމަށްޓަކައި އަހަރެން އޫޅެފިން. އެހިނދުގައި އެކަނބުލޭގެ އަހަރެންނާ މުހާތަބުކޮށް ބުނި. އޭ ލޯބިވާ ލޯބިވެރިޔާ އަހަރެންނާ ތިޔައެއްވުރެ ކައިރިނުވާތި. އަދި ތިބާގެ ހަޔާތުގައި ބާކީ ތަންއެބެއް. އަހަރެމެން ބައްދަލުވާނީ މާދަމާ މެންދުރު ނަމާދަށްފަހު. މިހެންބުނުމާއެކު އަހަރެން އުފަލުންގޮސް ފޮޅިއްޖެ. އެކަމާ އުފަލުން ހެމުން ހެމުންގޮސް ހެވުނުތަން ބޭބެޔަށް ތިޔަ ފެނުނީ. އަބޫޤުދާމާ ކިޔައިދިން. މިފަދަ ކުއްޖެއްގެ ފަރާތުން މިކަހަލަ  ހުވަފެނެއްފެނުމުން އަހަރެން ބުނީން. ތިޔަފެނުނީ ރަނގަޅުކަމެއް. އިންޝާ ﷲ ރަނގަޅުވާނެ.

 އަނެއް ދުވަހު ހެނދުނު މައިދާނުން އަހަރެމެން އަދުއްވުންނާ ކުރިމަތިލައިފިން އަހަރެން އެއްކަލަ ކުއްޖާ ހޯދަމުން ދިޔައިން ލަޝްކަރުތަކުގެ އެންމެ ކުރީގައި އެކުއްޖާހުރި އަހަރެން ސަފުތައްފަޅާލުމަށްފަހު އެކުއްޖާ ކައިރިއަށް ދިޔައިން އަދިބުނެފިން އޭދަރިފުޅާ ދޭ ލަޝްކަރުގެ އެންމެ ފަހަތަށް ނަޝްރު ލިބިއްޖެއްޔާ އަހަރެމެންނާއެކު ނަޝްރު ލިބެނެ ބަލިވެއްޖެއްޔާ އެންމެކުރިން ޤަތުލުވާ މިހުންގެ ތެރޭން އޭރުން ތިބާ ނުވާނެ އެކުއްޖާއަހަރެންނާ ދިމާލަށް އަޖައިބުވެގެން ހުރި ފާޑަކަށް ބަލަންހުރި އެއަށްފަހު ބުނެލި ބޮޑުބޭބެ އަހަރެންނަށް ތިޔަހެން ތިޔަބުނަނީ ކީތްވެތަ. އަަހރެން މީ ނަރަކާގެ އަހުލުވެރިއަކަށް ވާންވީތެ؟ ބަލަﷲ ޝުބްޙާނަ ވަތަޢާލާ އަންގަވާފައިވަނީ ކާފަރުންނާ ބައްދަލުވެއްޖެއްޔާ ފުރަގަސްދީ ނުދިއުމަކަށް ނޫންތަ؟ އެގޮތަށް ފުރަގަސްދީ ހިނގައްޖެއްޔާ ނަރަކާގެ އަހުުވެރިންގެ ތެރޭން ވެގޭންދާނެއެއްނޫން؟

 ދެންއަހަރެން އޭނާގެ އަތުގައިހިފައިގެން ލަޝްކަރުގެ އެންމެފަހަތައް ދިއުމަށްޓަކައި ހިނގައިގެންފީން. ކުއްލިއަކަށް އޭނާ އަހަރެން އަތުން އަތްދަމައިގަތް. އެއަށްފަހު ލަޝްކަރުގެ އެންމެކުރިއަށް އެނެއްކާވެސް ޖެހިލައިފި. ކުއްލިއަކަށް ހަނގުރާމަ ފެށިގެން ހިނގައްޖެ. ހަނގުރާމައިގައި ވަރަށް ހޫނުވެ އެކަކުއަނެކަކު ގެއްލިއްޖެ.ހަނގުރާމަ ވަރަށް ވަރުގަދަ ވެއްޖެ. ހަނގުރާމަ ދިގުލައިގެންގޮސް މެންދުރުވަގުތު ވަދެއްޖެ. ހިސާހިތަކު ޞަލީބީން ބަލިވެއްޖެ. މުސްލިމުންނަށް ނަސްރު ލިބިއްޖެ. މެންދުރުނަމާދު ކޮށްލައިގެން މައިދާނުގައި ޤަތުލު ވެފައިވާ މީހުންނާ ޒަހަމް ވެފައިވާ މީހުން ހޯދުމަށްޓަކައި އަހަރެމެން އުޅެގެންފިން. އަހަރެންމައިދާނުގެ ތެރޭގައި ހަރަކާތްތެރިވަނިކޮށް ގޮވާއަޑު އިވިއްޖެ. އޭ މީސްތަކުންނޭ އަހަރެންނަށް އަހަރެންގެ ބޮޑުބޭބޭ އަބޫޤުދާމާ ހޯދަދީބަލަ. މި އަޑުއިވުމާއެކު އަހަރެން އެތަނަށް ހިނގައްޖައީން. އެއީ އެއްކަލަ ކުއްޖާގެ ހަށިގަނޑު އެއީ އެކުއްޖާގެ ހެނދުން އޭހަމަ އެކުއްޖާ.

 ސަހަރާގެތެރޭގައި ޔަތީމުކުއްޖާ މިވަނީ ޒަހަމްވެފާ. ދެން އޭނާ ގަދަނުވާވަރަށް މިވަނީ އޭނާގެ ހާލުބޮޑުވެފަ. އަހަރެންނަށް ވަރަށް އަސަރު ކޮށްފި. އަހަރެން ވަރަށް ބާރަށް ގޮވައިލަޢިފިން. މީ އަބޫޤުދާމާ. އެނާބުނި އަލްހަމްދު ލިﷲ. އެއިލާހީ އަހަރެންގެ ވަސިއްޔަތް ފޮރުކޮށްދެންދެން ދުނިޔޭގައި ލެހެއްޓެވި އިލާހު. އޭނާ ވަރަށް ބަލިކަށި އަޑަކުން ވާހަކަދައްކަންފެށި. އޭ ބޮޑުބޭބޭ. އަހަރެން މަރުވެއްޖެއްޔާ އަހަރެންގެ ރަށަށްގޮސް މަންމައަށް އުފާވެރިކަމުގެ ޚަބަރުދީ. ތިބާގެ ދަރިފުޅު ﷲ ގެ މަގުގައި ކުރިމަތިލާ ހަނގުރާމަކޮށް ޝަހީދުވެއްޖެއޭ ބުނެދީ އެއަށްފަހު އަނެއްކާވެސް އެކުއްޖާ ބުނި އޭ ބޮޑުބޭބޭ އަހަރެންގެ މަންމަޔަށް ތިބާގެބަސްތެދުކަން ހާމަކުރުމަށް އަހަރެންގެ ހެދުމުން ބަޔެއްގެންދޭ. އަހަރެންގެ މަންމަޔަށް އެމަންޒަރު ފެނިއްޖެއްޔާ ﷲ ގެ މަގުގައި އަހަރެން ޝަހީދުވީކަން އެނގޭނެ. ދެންއެމަންމަޔަށް ބުނެދީ އޭ މަންމާޔޭ ބައްދަލުވުން އޮތީ ސުވަރުގޭގައެ. އިންޝާ ﷲ ތިޔަ އުޚްތާގެ ބެލުންތެރިޔަކީ ﷲ އެ. އަބޫޤުދާމާ ކިޔައިދިން. އެއަށްފަހު އޭނާގެ އަޑުމަޑުވަމުންގޮސް ކިޔާނުކިޔާއެއްޗެއް ނޭނގޭވަރަށް މަޑުވެއްޖެ.

 އެއަށްފަހު ކުއްލިއަކަށް ވަރަށް ބާރަށް ގޮވާލި. އޭބޮޑުބޭބޭ ހުވަފެންތެދުވެއޖެ. ގެފފުޅުގެ ރައްބު ގަންދީ ބުނަން ހުވަފެން ތެދުވެއްޖެ. މަރްލިއްޔާއާ އަހަރެންނާ ބައްދަލުވެއްޖެ. މިހާރު މަރްލިއްޔާ އޭނީ އަހަރެންގެ ބޯކައިރީގަ. އަހަރެންނަށް އޭނާގެ މީރުވަސް އެބަދޮވާ. އަބޫޤުދާމާ ކިޔައިދިން. ދެން އެކުއްޖާ ފުންނޭވާތަކެއް ލުމަށްފަހުގައި. އަހަރެންގެ އަތްދަނޑިމަށްޗަށް މަރުވެއްޖެ. އިންނާލިﷲ ވައިންނާ އިލަައިހި ރާޖިއޫން.
 މަރުވެފައިވާ މީހުންގެ ކަންތައްތަކުން އަވަސްވެގަތުމަށްފަހު އަހަރެންގެ އެއްމެ ބޮޑުކަމަކަށްވީ ޝަހީދުވެގެން އެދިޔަޒުވާނާގެ ވަސިއްޔަތް ފުރިހަމަކޮށްދިނުން. އެހެންވެގެން އަހަރެން އޭނާގެ ރަށަށް ހިނގައްޖައިން. އެރަށުގެ މަގެއްމަތީން އަރަރެން ނުވައަހުރުގެ ޒުވާން އަންހެން ކުއްޖަކުދުށީން. އޭނާ މަގުމަތީންދާ ކޮންމެމީހަކާ ސުވާލުކުރޭ. ހަނގުރާމައިން އައިމީހެއްކަން އެނގޭނަމަ އޭނާގެ އަޚާކޮބައިތޯ ސުވާލުކުރޭ.

 އޭނާގެ އަޚާ ވީތަނެއް އެނގޭ މީހަކާ ދިމަލެއްނުވި. އެތައްބަޔަކާ ސުވާލުކުރުމަށްފަހު ޖަވާބު ނުލިބިގެން އެންމެފަހުން ރޮމުންރޮމުން އިށީނދެލައިފައި ބުނެލި މީސްތަކުން އެނބުރި އެބައާދޭ އަހަރެންގެ އަޚާއެއް ނުފެނޭ އަބޫޤުދާމާ ކިޔައިދިން. އަހަރެން އެކުއްޖާ ކައިރިއަށް ދިޔައީން. އޭނާއާއަށް އަހަރެންނާ އަހަރެންގެ އަތުގައިވާ ކޮތަޅުނފެނުމުން ދަތުރުކޮށްފައިއައި މީހެއްކަން އެނގިއްޖެ އަދި އަހަރެންއައީ ޖިހާދުންތޯ ސުވާލުކުރި އަހަރެން ބުނެލިން އާނ އޭނާ އަހަރެންނާ ސުވާލުކުރި އަހަރެންގެ އަޚާދުށީންތަ. އެހާ ހިސާބުން އަހަރެންނަށް އެނގިއްޖެ. މީ އެ އަންހެން ކުއްޖާކަން އަހަރެން ބުނެފިން ކޮބާތަ މަންމަ؟ މަންމަޔަށް ގޮވާބަލަ އެއަންހެންމީހާ ނިކުމެއްޖެ. އޭނާވަނީ ފުރިހަމައަށް ނިވާވެ ހިޖާބުވެގެން އެނާގެ ޖިއްބާބުގެ ތެރޭގައި ފޮރުވިގެން އޭނާގެ ކިބައިން ފެންނަންހުރީ ޣިއްފަތްތެރިކަން. އަހަރެން ހަމަފެނުމާ އެކު އޭނާއަށް އެގިއްޖެ. އެއާއެކު އޭނާ އަހަރެންނާ މުޚާތަބުކޮށް ވާހަކަދައްކަންފެށި.

 އޭ އަބޫޤުދާމާ ތިޔައީ ތަޣުޒިޔާކިޔަންތަ ނޫނިއްޔާ ތަހުނިޔާކިޔަންތަ؟ އަހަރެންނަކަށް ނުވިސްނުނު އަހަރެން ބުނެލައިފިން ކީކެ ތިޔަބުނީ އޭނާ ބުނި އަހަރެންގެ ދަރިފުޅު ފުރަގަސްނުދީ ކުރިމަތިލައި ﷲ ގެ މަގުގައި ޖިހާދުކުރަނިކޮށް ޝަހީދުވެއްޖެކަމުގެ ޚަބަރު ދީފިނަމަ ތިޔައީ އަހަރެންނަށް ތަހުނިޔާކިޔައި އުފާވެރިކަމުގެ ޚަބަރުދޭން އެއީ އަހަރެން ސަތާރަ އަހަރުވަންދެން ﷲ އަށްޓަކައި ތައްޔާރުކުރި ހަދިޔާއެއް. އެހަދިޔާއޭރުން ﷲ އެވަނީ ޤަބޫލުކުރައްވާފައި. އަހަރެންގެ ދަރިފުޅު ސަލާމަތުން އެތައްބައިވަރު ޤަނީމާއާއެކު އަންނަކަމުގެ ޚަބަރުދީފިނަމަ ތިޔައީ އަހަރެންނަށް ތަޣުޒިޔާކިޔަންއައި މީހެއް. 

ކުއްލިއަކަށް އަހަރެން އޭނާއަށް ޖަވާބުދިނީން. އޭ އުޚްތާ އުފާކުރޭ އަހަރެންމީ އުފާވެރިކަމުގެ ޚަބަރުދޭންއައި މީހެއް އޭނާ ﷲ ގެ މަގުގައި ޖިހާދުކުރަނިކޮށް ޝަހީދުވެއްޖެ. މިއޮތީ އޭނާގެ ހެދުމުން ބައެއް. އަހަރެންގެ އެކޮތަޅުގެ ތެރޭގައިވާ އޭނާގެ ހެދުންނަގާ ދައްކާލިން އޭގެން އޭނާގެ ހަށިގަނޑުގެ ލޭތިކި ޖަހަޖަހާ އޮތް. އެމަންޒަރު އެ އަންހެންމީހާއާ އަދި އެކުޑަކުޑަ ކުއްޖާވެސްދުއް. އަންހެންމީހާ އުފަލުން ތަކުބީރުކީ ﷲ އަކްބަރޭ ކިޔާ އުފާކުރަމުންދިޔަ އެހެންނަމަވެސް އެހެންނަމަވެސް އެކުޑަކުޑަ އަންހެއްކުއްޖާ އޭނާ ކުއްލިއަކަށް މާނޭވާ ލުމަށްފަހު ބިންމަށްޗަށް ވެއްޓިއްޖެ. އެއަށްފަހު އޭނާގެ މަންމަ ގޭތެރެއަށް ވަދެ ފެންފޮދެއް ގެނެސްގެން ކުއްޖާ ހޭއެރުވޭތޯ މަސައްކައްކުރި އިރުގަނޑެއްގައި މަސައްކަތްކުރިފަހުން ކުއްޖާ ހޭލި އެހެންނަމަވެސްއޭނާ މާނޭވާލަމުންދިޔަ އަދި އެކުޑަކުޑަކުއްޖާ އޭނާގެ ބައްޕަޔަށާ އޭނާގެ އަޚާއަށް ގޮވަމުންދިޔަ އެއްމެފަހުން އެކުއްޖާވެސް މިދުނިޔެއާ އަލްވަދާއުކިޔައިފި. އެ އަންހެންމީހާގެ ހުރިހާ އެންމެން ވަކިވެގެން ދިޔައީ. ކުއްލިއަކަށް އަންހެންމީހާގެ އަތްދަނޑިމަށްޗަށް ދަރިފުޅުލައިގެން ގޭގެތެރެއަށް ވަދެއްޖެ. އަދި އަހަރެންގެ ކުރިމަތީގައި ދޮރުލައްޕާ ބަންދުކޮށްފި އަހަރެން ޓަކިޖަހާޖަހާވެސް ނުހުޅުވި އެ އަށްފަހު އެއަންހެންމީހާ ދުޣާކުރަމުންބުނާ އަޑުއެހިން އޭ ﷲ މި އަޅާގެ ފިރިމީހާއާ މިއަޅާގެ އެއްބަނޑުއެއްބަފާ އަޚުންނާ އަދި މިއަޅާގެ ދަރިފުޅު އިބައިލާހުގެ މަގުގައި ގުރުބާން ކޮށްފިން. އިބައިލާހު މިއަޅާގެ ކިބައިން އެކަން ޤަބޫލުކުރައްވާށި. އަދި މިއަޅާއާ އެބައިމީހުންނާއެކު ސުވަރުގޭގައި ޖަމާކުރައްވާށި.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

The Story of Abu Qudama & the Young Boy

This is a story which shocked me walahyAlazeem and it is a story which existed in about the 10thC in the Islamic era.In that time enemies of Islam who were ruthless were attacking the Muslims in a place called Al-riqah in Iraq. And they had invaded the homes, and raped the women and stole their children, and killed the old men. This is in history b/c they said our lord is Allah. After doing so, there was a man at that time who existed. He was a great scholar, and a great leader in battles. His only cause and motive was to defend the Muslims wherever they may be, wherever they were killed or oppressed. His name was Abu Qudamar.

 This man Abu Qudamah, and he was very courageous. He was once sitting in a masjid when a group of ppl came up to him and said to him "Ya Abu Qudamah we have free time right now, can you tell us of an amazing story that happened during your time. We want to hear the most unusual, and interesting story ever to be heard. Can you entertain us ya Aba Qudamah, and make us come closer to Allah (swt).?" And then Aba Qudamah sat for a while and gathered them. When everyone was silent, like you are right now he said to them, "I recall one of the most shocking stories that ever happened. Until today I dont know how to explain it. 

He said One time I went to that place, Al-riqah in Iraq and I stood up in the masjid and I went out to the city to recruit soldiers who are ready to defend the stories of Al-riqah, to stand guard over there and if the enemy attacks to be strong enough to defend the women and children. As Allah says in the quran, "What is wrong with you O'Believers that you dont stand and fight for the cause of Allah when the weak and feeble ppl are calling out, O'Allah send ppl to save us" We are responsible for the weak ones, whenever and wherever they may be. And so he began to recruit ppl, only a few gathered with him and so he began to ask for wealth and money. After the day had ended he rented a small apartment, a little place to stay in. He said, "I went into this place and I stayed there and then just after ishaa prayer, when I was praying my night prayer, and I was about to pray my witr when all of a sudden in the middle of the night, it was so quiet you could hear the crickets outside, when my door began to knock. I said, "SubhanAllah nobody knows me here, I've just arrived yesterday and already my door is knocking, ya'nee someone is knocking at my door. So I slowly went and opened the door and in front of me there stood a woman I could not see her face b/c she had covered all her body, everything.

And while she was covering her hand she reached out her hand and before she opened it she asked, "Are you the man who was calling out for recruitments today? Were you the man who was gathering wealth in order to go and guard our borders and protect us?". I said "Yes". "You were the one calling to Jihad?". I said, "Yes, I am". So she said, "Please open your hand". And he opened his hand and she dropped a piece of cloth which was wrapped up into his hand. And she said, "Take this- it is an amanah. It is a trust" And she ran off. Thats all she said. I wanted to ask her many other questions. So I went inside and opened that cloth and I found a piece of paper with something written on it and a thick lock of hair. I read the paper, and the paper said, "Today you were calling out for recruitments to fight with you and protect the weak ppl. I am a woman and unable to fight, and I dont have enough wealth to give you. So my heart was struck with shock and sorrow when I did not have anything to give you. So I went home and cut a lock of my hair and that is the one you see in this cloth. The only thing which I can give to the cause of this, is my lock of hair. I ask you to please use it was your rein, (ya'nee the rope that would steer the horse), so that maybe Allah will recognize this and know I was fighitng with you in that jihad. [Even though taking a lock of hair, of a woman's and giving it to a man is not allowed in Islam but her jihad spirit had reached that state and it could not stop her] And she said, "Tomorrow someone will come to you, he is a recruitment. See if he is worthy. And that is it" He said, SubhanAllah. What kind of a woman is this? He said, so I took the lock of hair and I did put it onto my reins.

 And in the morning I gathered my troops and we went out into the battlefields. When we reached the battlefield, ya'nee the borders, we noticed that a group of army after a day began to make their way towards us. And so I got the army ready and I told them to stand guard. As we were about to move forward, I heard a voice from a far distance calling out, "Ya Amee Aba Qudamah! Ya Amee Aba Qudamah entathernee (wait for me my uncle)!!!" He looked back and he found a fierce warrior on his horse galloping fiercely towards him and he had his face covered. As soon as this man approached him, Aba Qudamah looked at him and said, "How can I help you?" He said, "Wait for me. Alhamdulilah, Alhamdulilah it was written for me to meet you and unite with you. He said, "Calm down, calm down and take a deep breath." He said, "You don't understand. I made a duaa all my life
to have this opportunity and I thought you were going to beat me. Allah (swt) decreed that I was going to unite with you. Alhamduilah! Alhamduilah!" He said, "Ask me, what do you want?" He said, "I want to fight with you. I want to have part in this" And then Abu Qudamah said to him, "Show me your face, I want to know who you are!" And then he reluctantly took the cloth off his face and Abu Qudamah said, And I looked at his face and before me was the most beautiful face I had ever laid eyes on. The face of a young man; about 17 or 18 years of age.

His face was like the full moon in its brightness. And I noticed that he was young. I said, "Son, what experience do you have? How can you come to fight with us? No, you are not allowed to come and fight with us, you are too young. Return back." He said, "But my mother came to you last night?" He said, "Your mother? He said, "Yes, my mother." He said, "Who is your mother?" And he said, "She was the one who gave you a lock of her hair. And she told you to look after me." He said, "Is that YOUR mother?" He said, "Na'3am" {yes}. He said, "You should go back and look after her, son. Dont come here and fight." And he started to hold unto him, the young boy and he said to him, "No Abu Qudamah, No! My father fought in jihad and I want to fight too. I want to defend. Please accept me! I have great experience. I have fought many battles, and I am an experienced horse rider. I am a really good, experienced person. Wallahy you will find me that I am able to help you alot. When he insisted on him, and he insisted on him Abu Qudamah looked at him and said, "Okay, if you are insisting on traveling along with us then you have to stand in the last line.And your work is to prepare food for the soldiers". He said, "Fair enough. I'll do that." So they went out and sorry the enemy was not approaching, they had news of the enemy approaching.

 And so the time of lunch came and the soldiers wanted to eat and he sent out this young man, his name was Muhammad, to go and prepare the meal. And then when about 1 or 2 hours passed no food has arrived. So Aba Qudamah said, so I went searching for him and what had kept him so long. And when I arrived I found the pot was boiling in front of him and he was asleep beside it. I said, SubhanAllah he must be very tired because he said during the whole day he was the most active of all the men, he would race after this one and race after that one and help this person and help that person. He was very active during the day. I became amazed at how agile this young boy is, how enthusiastic this young man is. So I thought, I felt sorry for him and I thought maybe he needs some rest. So I did not interfere and I did not disturb him, And I began to prepare and finish and complete off the meal by myself. But as I was stirring he said, I heard a small sound coming from him so I looked immediately at him. All of a sudden I see his face begin to smile. He was asleep. After a few moments, his smile grew. A few moments later his teeth began to show. And then even a few moments later he began to laugh in laughter and giggle. As he was laughing, his laughter was intensifying until finally he awoke. Suddenly, he saw me in front of him with open eyes and his smile immediately faded away.

 As though he was shocked that I was there in front of him, and he did not want me to be there; as though he had a secret. And then he got up immediately and said, "Ya Amee' I am sorry I did not know I had gone to sleep. Please you dont have to prepare the food, please let me!" Abu Qudamah said, "No, you sit down! Walahi I will not let you do anything until you tell me why you were laughing." He said," I was laughing?" He said,"Yes you were laughing! Your laughter could reach a few meters away."
"Ya Amee, Abu Qudamah. Since you saw me laughing and you will not let me go I will tell you what I was dreaming about but you have to keep it a secret between you and I. For if I tell you, maybe Allah will not accept my reward for coming here, maybe it will be insincere." He said,"Please tell me, I am listening with open ears." {I really wanted to know what he was seeing in his dream} And then the young boy said, " I slipped and then I noticed as if the last hour had come, the world ended and the day of judgement came. Everybody was looking up into the sky... 'Khushe'aat Absaroohum. And then all of a sudden, I hear a voice calling out: 'Grab Mohammad and take him to Paradise' Amongst everyone a light came to me and took me away. And then there was a man next to me, a very handsome man. His light emanating from his face until it reached the far corners of what I could see, and he took me into Jannah. And I asked him, "Who are you?" And he said, "I am one of your servants whom Allah has made for you in Jannah in the palace" I said, "where are you taking me?" And then he began to smile, and said, "I am taking you to your wealth and to your family and to your belongings & possessions in your palace in jannah." And his smile grew more (Muhammads).

And then when he reached the great gates & the great doors of his last position, he said, "I cannot enter here. For you have women inside and I am not allowed to set eyes upon them." His smile grew more. And so he entered, and he said, "And then I found many beautiful women, their light was so great that I thought that if they show their light on earth they would light the whole earth. And they grabbed my arm and took me away. And I thought, "Are you my wives?" And they said, "No, no, no. We are just your servants. But you have your princess waiting inside on a khidr, inside the tent reclining on the silk sheets waiting for you." And so I entered, and all of a sudden I see a woman that almost made my soul escape from my body. And I said to her, "Who are you?" And the smile grew when his teeth began to show. And she said, "I am whom Allah has promised you. I am your wife in Jannah. I am the one who Allah has gifted to you." 'Wa ma tadry ma Ukhfeya lahum min quraaty a'yun' And no Mu'min what Allah has gifted for them in Jannah. And then he said, he came and extended his arm to touch her and then she grabbed his arm and returned it back gently and she said to him, "No Ya Muhammad! Not now. I ask Allah to save you from any bad acts, I am not yours yet, and it is because you have saved yourself from haram acts with other women Allah gave me to you. So keep yourself pure, ya Muhammad! Wa maw3edunah Ghadaan 3enda Al-Futoor. Our meeting is tomorrow and we shall break our fast together [because Muhammad used to fast every other day, one day on one day off] And then he said, when she was speaking to me I began to laugh and I really wanted to approach her and she would say "no ya Mohammad, not now!" and I began to laugh and laugh until I woke up. 

That is my story, Ya Amee Aba Qudamah! Please keep it a secret between you and me otherwise my rewards will be gone. He said, "Its my secret." Abu Qudamah, said I kept my eyes open watching this young boy. The next day the enemy arrived; it was fierce and we attacked and charged. I looked behind me where Muhammad was supposed to be standing and all of sudden he was right in the front. And he did not have any experience in fighting because he could not hold his sword. Muhammd had decieved Aba Qudamah in saying he has experience. He said, I could not reach him anymore but he was right in the frontline. And he would call out the message of his mother "Ya Ibnee etha Laqetahum falaa tuwalyhim duburak (My son if you meet them, dont run away and show them your back) Allahu Akbar!" He would call out like that. And he would fight whoever would hold a sword against him and against the Muslims. He would protect that person and then that person, until finally Abu Qudamah says that so much dust came into my eyes I lost sight of him. I do not know where he was. Finally Allah gave us victory because we were fighting for a noble cause, and at the end of the victory we started looking for our martyrs. And then I just wanted to find, Muhammad the young boy. I did not care about anyone else, I kept searching and searching; when all of a sudden I see at a distance a young boy holding out his arm saying "Amee, Amee" And I could barely hear him.

 So I ran to him as fast as I could, and I grabbed his beautiful head as though he were my son and I looked at his face, at a face that was once youthful, at a face that was once beautiful, at a face that was so handsome and a body so young and strong. The horses had trampled him, the wheels had crushed his bones....his face was undescribable. And he was holding a piece of his shirt, which was ripped and he was taking deep breaths, dying. And then Abu Qudamah held his face and he began to cry, "He said my son I told you the war is very fierce. Didn't I tell you that the battle is not what you think! And didnt I tell you that you are still young. I told you my son, and you had to go forward! Why have you dont this to yourself!" And he looked at me and said to me, "Amee Aba Qudamah: "This is what my mother raised me for, my father died in this cause as well. Do you want to deny me, and you all of all people Amee Aba Qudamah. You are telling me to go back when Allah says in the Quran 'And what do you fear, fighting for his cause'". He said to me, "Ya Amee this is what I want. Wallahy I can see my palaces in front of me. If only you could see what I could see Ya Amee!!!" And then he said, "But I require one thing of you: My mother when you reach her, she will be very saddened and she may not believe you that I have died in the cause of Allah. So I want you to take this piece of my shirt and show it to her so that she can relieve her sadness and know that I am in Jannah. And once she is raised, she will also be in Jannah with me. Let her know, that 'Do not be saddened my mother, I died and you will be with me forever in eternity in Jannah. My mother I died in the cause of Allah, now it will be a guarantee that you will be with me and we will be together with my father' He said, "Because nothing else will calm her heart" He said, "Ya Amee, Aba Qudamah I also have a young sister. Her name is Fatimah, and she is only 8 years old. She has grown up with me to love me very much when my father passed away and I lover her extremely. However, my A'3m her love I have never seen before. She is too attached to me, when you reach her please try to look after her, please try to calm her down. Please try to say soothing words to her, for I fear her consequence. She loves me too much; and dont show her my shirt." Abu Qudamah promised,

 and while he was holding him in his arms young Muhammad began to smile and his smile grew, and then it grew even more and then even more until he began to giggle with laughter, and he said, "Ya Amee Abu Qudamah La Elah Illa Allah eny laa'jedu Al-Mardeyatah Janbee {The women he saw in his dreams had a name, Mardeya 'The Pleasing one'}" He said, "Ya Amee Aba Qudamah, look at her she has just come down from the sky and she is lying beside me holding my hand, she is waiting for me ya A3m. Allah sadaqanee wa3dah. He gave me what he has promised. I am going to Jannah with Mardeya. She will keep me company ya Amee Aba Qudamah. Our secret between you and I" And then he died while he was biting onto his lip, and saying "Ya Amee remember our secret." And he died, and went to Allah (subhanahu watallah). A noble death. And then Abu Qudamah went back to the village in al-riqah and all the women went out to meet the mujahideen. And then came the mother of Muhammad searching for him, and as she came up to Abu Qudamah she said to him, "My son? Where is my son?" Aba Qudamah looked at her and said, "He passed away and He fought in the frontlines without returning back and he did what you had advised him and trained him to do."And she said. "I dont believe you!" just as her son said. And then he said, "But he told me to give you his shirt." And she looked at his shirt and examined it and she knew the blood and the stains of her young son, Mohammad. And then she cried and put her hands up to Allah and she said, "Alhamdulilah, the one who has saved my son. I will now be reunited with him and my husband. But before that Aba Qudamah saw something, a young girl fluttering like a butterfly touching this man and looking at him then touching that man and looking at him then turning another man around and examing his face like a young child does.

 And Aba Qudamah knew this was Fatimah looking for her brother, Muhammad. And so I went up to Fatimah and I grabbed her and I hugged her and kissed her and I said to her, "What are you looking for?" and she said, "My brother Muhammad. Where's Muhammad? Where's Muhammad?Do you know where Muhammad is, my brother? Do you know where he is? I love him. I want to see him, and he promised me he will return" {because Muhammad said to Aba Qudamah before he died that I promised my sister I was going to return otherwise she would never have left me but I am not going to return. She said, "But he promised me that he is going to come back. Where is he?" Abu Qudamah started to cry, he said, "Fatimah, your brother says Asalamu Alaikum to you and he says that soon your going to meet him in jannah inshallah." She said, "Jannah? Did he die?"Abu Qudamar said, "Yes, but he died a noble cause....before he could finish this word Fatimah took a very deep breathe and she fell unconscious to the ground. He came to pick her up, but her mother raced to her and she said leave her. She took her daughter away and into the room. Abu Qudamah knocked and knocked but he was too late. He heard the mother inside crying and saying, "My husband died for your cause and he is in jannah inshallah. My son, I have sacrificed him for you Ya Allah and I have raised him. Please do no deny me my unity and presence with him in Jannah. And now, my daughter has passed away and followed her brother. Ya Allah my husband, my son, and my daughter they are all to you---Ena LillAllah wa Ena Elayhi Rajeeon, To Allah we belong and to him we shall return! O'Allah guarantee me a place in jannah with them, O'Allah unite me with them" And she began to cry until her voice faded away into the darkness. Abu Qudamah kept on knocking but she would not open for him, so he said so I left her and I went away.
Until this day my dear companions the story has remained unexplainable to me. 

Tuesday, 29 May 2012


The Amazon,one of the world's remaining wilderness areas, is about to
get a long-awaited aerial monitoring system to help protect the
Brazilian rainforest system against illegal exploitation. The
Brazilian Amazon covers 5.2 million square kilometres, and makes up
more than 60% of Brazil's land area. It contains about a third of the
world's remaining tropical rainforest, and about 30% of the world's

In the next few months, the $1.3-bn Amazon surveillance system (Sivam)
will be up and running, monitoring meteorological data and aerial
activity over an area the size of Europe.

Twenty radar systems will be set up, which will give the Brazilian
Amazon complete coverage. The project, which is more than 95% ready,
includes three surveillance aircraft, four satellite reception
stations, 14 lightning detectors, 83 weather stations, 200 floating
data-collection points and a network of 914 points linked by computer
and fax. The integrated system will employ about 1,000 experts.

The new system will be able to catalogue and map Amazonian land better
than before, and be able to detect forest fires and deforestation with
more accuracy than the current methods. It will also be able to locate
illegal airstrips with relative ease and see if people are invading
land belonging to indigenous tribes.

The aim of harnessing the rainforest's resources has been a
long-standing dream of successive Brazilian governments. In the late
1960s, the huge Trans-Amazon Highway was built, which only served to
quicken deforestation, but Sivam will not be used for destructive
purposes, according to experts. Also, while Brazil has borrowed the
money to build Sivam, it hopes that it will end up saving the country
money by cutting down on smuggling, forest fires and illegal mining.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Qur'an aai Science (Hiyy)

# This is a radio program broadcasted by DHIVEHIRAAJJEYGE ADU. Al-Ustaz Mohammadh Sujau
Abdurraheem had spoken by in the program. It is written as spoken
by him, The Qur'an verses and
parts of verse are not written, it is left blank as brackets.

( ) "Maana akee jinneennaai inseenge therein gina bayaku naraka
ahtakai thiman raskalaan'ge hedhdheveeme, haggu goiy ein nuvisney
hiyythakeh ebaimeehunnah ve e, adhi haggu magun ein nufenna loathakeh
ebaimeehun-nah ve e, haggu adu ein neevey kanfaiythakeh ebaimeehun nah
ve e, ebaimeehun geri bakari jamalu fadha e, adhi kieththa
ethakechchah vurenves e baimeehun magu furedhun bode, gaafiluvegenvaa
heynaaraa meehunnakee hama ebaimeehunne." Mi aayathakee hama
yageenunves mathiverivegenvaa hekkeh. Mi aamedhu visnaalumun hairaanve
ajaibukuruva, aduahaa meehegge hithah biruverikanvahdhuva maaiy Allah
ah hushuvaiytheri kuruva. Mi aayathakee ekiyevumun gain heebihi
nagaigendhaafadha aayatheh. Mi aayathugai maaiy Allah Subhaana Wata
aalaa ekalaan'ge ekkauvanthakamaa medhu sakkukuraa meehunnaa
ekalaan'ge ah eemaannuvaa mul-hidhunnaa ekalaan'geashaa islaam dheenah
furahsaarakoh malaamaiykuraa musthahu-zinunnah azaab dhevvaane kamuge
vaeedhu basfulhu vaheekurahvaa faive. Mi aayathakee hama yageenunves
mu-uminun eaamedhu funkoh visnaa biruvethi vaanjehey aayatheh. Evves
insaanakah elolakun echcheh nufenna loleh libeynee kihineiythoa
alhugan'dumeh visnaalan jehey. Ekanfathakun adu neevey kanfatheh
libifai hunnaanee kihinebbaaey hithah araa, adhi miahvure
ajaibukuruvaa kamakee; visnumaa en'gumaa hithaahuree kongulhumebbaa
vey? Mi suvaalu. Ehekkamun alhugan'dumen alun mi aayaiy kiyaalaa mi
aayathaamedhu visnaalamaa hingamaa aadhe Maaiy Allah vaheekurahvanee (
) "maana akee jinneen naa inseengetherein ginabayaku naraka ahtakai
thimanraskalaan'ge hedhdheveeme haggu goiy ein nuvisney hiyythakeh
ebaimeehunnah ve e, adhi haggu magu ein nufenna loathakeh
ebaimeehunnah ve e, haggu adu ein neevey kanfaiythakeh ebaimeehunnah
ve e, ebaimeehun geri bakari jamalu fadha e adhi kieththa
ethakechchahvurevves ebaimeehunge magu furedhun bode qaafiluvegenvaa
heynaaraa meehunnakee hama ebaimeehunne." Aadhe insaanaa ah maaiy
Allah dhevvaafaivaa lolakee thanthan belumah beynunkuraa vaseelatheh
medhuverieh ekamaku lolakee echchehi fenna echchehnoon namaves
lolakee egunavaneh medhuverikoh sikun'diah mauloomaaththah
foarukohdhey vaseelatheh, kanfathakeeves mifadha gunavaneh kanfathaa
lolun sikun'diah fonuvaidhey mauloomaaththah process koh e-ee
kon-echchekkan dhenegane tharujamaakoh e mauloomaath rahkaakoh
hadhanee sikun'din mikankamakee alhugan'dumenah in'gey kankan. Maaiy
Allah ge ekkauvanthakamaa medhu sakkukuraa mul-hidhunmahves fenumuge
hissu kamugaivaa loalibigenvey ebaimeehunnakah hahgu thedumageh
nufene. Ebaimeehun kaunu noonee universe aa medhu dhekenee e ee
kulliakah amilla ah ufedhifaivaa echchekkamuga.Mi kaunugaivaa hurihaa
mu-uzizaaiythakaa reethikamaa mikaunugaivaa furihamakan adhi
mikaunugai lahvaafaivaa hurihaa makhloogunnaa mi kaunugaivaa
dhirunhuri un'dhagoo inthizaam kurevifaivaa emmehaa masakaiythakakee
amilla ah ufedhifaivaa amilla ah hin'gaa kankankamugai ebaimeehun dhe
ke. Mikaunugaivaa galaxy thakaa thari thakaa mihurihaa kaunee
hekithakakee ebaimeehun dhekey gothugai amilla ah kuhliakah
thobee-eegothun ufedhifaivaa thakethi. Ehenkamun dhenneveynee hama
hageegathugaives ebaimeehunnah mikankamuge hageegaiy nufennanee e.
Hama migothah Allah wodigenvaakamaa medhu sakkukuraa meehunnah ivumuge
hissu libi kanfaiythakeh libifaive. Namaves keerithi Qur'an kiyevey
adu ivijjenama ebaimeehun bunanee e ee aadhaige basthakeh kamuga adhi
baemmeehun e-ee eahvurevves dhera basthakekkamugai dheke. Baeffaharu e
ee varah kuggina kuththakun furifaivaa echchekkamugai bune e.
Baeffaharu keerithi Qur'an akee Muhammadh gefaanu
liyuhvaafaivaa echchekeyves bune ulhe. Ebaimeehun keerithi Qur'an ge
adu ahaa namaves hageegathugai haggubas ebaimeehunnakah neyngey

Aadhe miadhu alhugan'duge maulooakee hiyy. Maaiy Allah subhaanahoo
Watha alaage ekkauvanthakan gaboolunukuraa meehunnahves salaamathunvaa
hiyy maaiy Allah dhevvaafaive. Doctary testu thakun dhakkaagothugai
ebaimeehunge hiyy salaamathun ove ekamaku hageegathugai ebaimeehun
uffedhdhevi khaaliq vaththa Allah Subhaanahoo Wata-alaage
basfulhuthakeh ebaimeehun-nakah neyngey, ebaimeehunnah rizgu dhevvaa
raazig ge basfulhuthakeh ebaimeehunnakah nuvisney ehenkamun mifadha
meehunge nimi dhiumakahvanee naraka Jahannama. E ee eynaage
saahibunkamugai hadhaa Allah fiyavai ebaimeehunge vaagi hoadhi
valeevereen Shaithoanunnaa ekuga. Kurin midhennevunu aayathugai mi
thin kanthah varah ran'galhah tharutheeb kurahvaafaive. E aayathugai
maaiy Allah Subhaana Watha-ala wahee kurahvaafaivaa furathama kamakee
( ) "haggugoiy ein nuvisney hiyythakeh ebaimeehunnah ve e." Aadhe
ehenkamun hithakee visnumaa fahumvun noony en'gumuge vaseelathekkan
mibain en'gigendhey. Dhevanakamakee ( ) "adhi haggu magu ein nufenne
loathakeh ebaimeehunnah ve e", ehenkamun alhugan'dumennah
en'gigendhanee lolakee fenumuge vaseelathekkan. Thinvana kamakee ( )
"haggu adu ein neevey kanfaiythakeh ebaimeehunnan ve e",
aadhekanfathakee adu ivumuge vaseelatheh. Mi aayathugaivanee haggugoiy
ein nuvisney hiyythakakaa, haggumagu nufenna loathakeh adhi haggu adu
neevey kanfaiythakeh ebaimeehunnah libifaivaakan, mi gunavanthakakee
mi kanthaththakuge vaseelaiythakekkan alhugan'dumennah en'gigendhey.
Alhugan'dumenge hiyythakugai ufedhey suvaalakee hithun visnanee
kihineiy hey, fikurukon dhenegane echchehi en'genee kihineiyhey. Hama
migothah doctory ilumugai en'geygothah e ee hama ekani ley pumpukuraa
panpehthoa meeves ufedhey suvaaleh. Mi maulooge dhashun fikuru kurumaa
dhenegathumugaa hithuge dhaurakee kobaikamuge ilmee zamaanee
hekithakah balailaanan. Mikamun alhugan'dumennah en'gigendhanee
keerithi Qur'an nugaivaa ilmee mu-uzizaaiythakaabehey ilmakee
abadhuves fennamundhaa kanthahthakekkan abadhuves ithuru hekithah
fennamundhaanekan. Maaiy Allah Subhaana Wata-ala Fussilath Surathuge
53 vana ayathugai waheekurahvaafaivaa fadhain ekalaan'ge
waheekurahvaafaivanee ( ) maana akee "thimanraskalaan'ge
gudhuraiytherikamuge furihamakamuge dhaleelthah aafaagthakunnaa
kauneedhaleelthakunnaa ebaimeehunge amilla nafusuthakun ekalaan'ge
fonuvvevi dheenakee haggudheenkan egijjaumah dhaandhen ebaimeehunnah
dhahkavaa husheeme ekalaan'ge hurihaakamakah hekivevodigenvumun
kaleygefaanah nufudhenee heyye". Ehenkamun abadhuves konmedhuvahakuves
mi mathiverifothugai aisfaivaa basfulhuthakuge thedhukan
saabithukohdhey ekankashavarukohdhey yageenkohdhey aa ethah
hageegaiythakeh faulhuvegen dhaane.

Dhen alhugan'du balailaanee eemaanvumaa eemaankan kudavumaa mi
dhekanthahves hin'gaa marukazakeeves hiyykan saabithukohdhey
Aadhe mi aharuge April mahuge 10 vana dhuvahu Dailymail  kiyaa
nooheggaa varah ajaibukuruvani vaahakaeh liyefaive. E vaahaka akee
eemaanvumaa kaafarukamaa nuvatha eemaankan kudavumaa meehaage
su-ooruthakaa dhenegathumaa mikankamuga hithuge varah muhinmu
dhaurehvaakan varah bodah yageenkohdhey vaahakaeh. Mivaahakaigaavanee
anhenkujjaku firihenkujjakaa kaiveni kurie. Kaivenikohgen ethah
aharevveethanaa mi firihenkujjaage eemaantherikan nethumuge sababun
eynaa mihayaathaa vakivedhiumah beynun vie. Adhi eynaa amilla ah bolah
fisthoala jahaigen maruvejje e. Namaves eynaage hiyy masakkaiykurun
huttaanulaa ehekkamun doctarun eynaage hiyy salaamathun nagaa mu-umin
balimeehegge hashigan'dah levvi e. Mi mu-umin meehaa akee varah bodah
heyokanthah kurumah loabikuraa meeheh eynaa akee eynaage hiyy faili
vumuge sababun ehen hitheh levvumah beynun jehifaivaa meehekkamun e
hiyy eynaage hashigandah levvi. Ehenkamun eynaa amilla ah maruvi e
hithugeveri zuvaanaage aailaage meehunnah varah bodah shukuru
adhaakurumahfahu mulhin aa hayaatheh dhiri ulhen feshi.
Ajaibukuruvanikamakee amilla ah maruvi zuvaanaage huvafen anhenunnaa
fahun e zuvaanaage hiyy levvi meehaayaa badhdhaluvi kulli
badhdhaluvumakun mihaaru ehithuge veriyaa ah kulliakah ihusaas
kurevunee mi anhen kujjaa akee varah gina dhuvahunsure eynaa dhanna
kujjekkamuga adhi mivarakun nimuneekeenoon eynaa e anhenkujjaa aa
medhukurevey ihusaasthah controleh nukurevunu vanhanaaevves nukurevunu
adhi eynaa e anhenkujjaa dheki loabivaakan eynaa ah engi adhi e
anhenkujjaa aa nulaa dhiri noolheveynekamahves eynaa e anhenkujjaa
gaathubuni. Aadhe mithanun en'gigendhanee alhugan'dumennah eynaage
hithugeharakaaiythah feshigenkan eyge vazeefaa adhaakuran feshikan. Mi
meehaa eynaage hithuge hageegee veriyaage anhenunnaa medhu ihusaas
kurevunu ihusaasthakun yaqeen kohdhenee e hithugaa kureege
su-ooruthakaa ihsaasthah rakkaakurevifai hurikan. Adhi e anhemmeehaage
han'dhaanthah foruvifai hurikan. E kamaku mikamakee mihaathanahves e
kamaamedhu evves meehaku visnaa e aamedhu heyluntherive
faivaakamehnoon. Aadhe mifirihenmeehaa aa zavaajee hayaaiy
dhiriulhemungendhiyaee kurinves ulhunugothah mu-uminegge gothugai,
heyokanthaththakah loabikuraa meehegge gothugai. Namaves madumadun
kaafarukamuge sifathah noonee eemaankan kudakamuge sifathah faalhuvaan
feshi. Mi firihenaa kulhadhaanavee varakun misifathah foruveythoa
eynaa varah bodah masakkaiykuri ekamaku eynaage hiyy eynaa ah azaabu
dhakkan feshi eynaa ah un'dhagookuran feshi adhi dhiriulhun
thahammalukuran un'dhagoove dhiriulhumakee un'dhagookamekkamugaidheki
eynaage hithuge hageegee veriyaa noonee ehithuge kureege veri zuvaanaa
maruvigothah amilla ah bolah fisthoala jehumun vaguthun eynaa maruvi.
Eynaage gaaiymeehun hairaankuruvikamakee mee, emeehun fikuru kuramun
gendhiyaee ran'galhukanthah kurumah loabikuri mu-uminaku mifadhakameh
kuraanee kihineiy heyye. Kurin eynaayakee ufaaveri baajjaveri
dhiriulhumeh ulhemundhiya meeheh meesmeehunnah eheetherivaa hurihaa
emmenves loabivaa meeheh mifadha meehaku maayoosve dhiriulhunmathin
foohive eemaankan kudavegengos amilla ah maruvun fiyavaa ehenmageh
eynaa ah neiykamah dhekeynee kihineiythoa meesthakun visnanfeshi.
Aadhe mikamuge sirru hoadhan varahves faseyha e-ee fikuru kurumaa
dhenegathumuge marukazakee hiyykan sikun'diehnoonkan. Hithakee
hamaekani masgan'dennama mifirihenmeehaa ah hin'gaadhiya kanthaththah
nuhigeeskan kashavaru. Aadhe eynaa loabivee eynaage hithuge kureege
veriyaa loabivi anhenaa dheke adhi eynaa amilla ah maruvegen
dhiyaeeves hama eynaage hithuge kureege veriyaa maruvi gothah. Aadhe
mikamunves alhugan'dumennah en'gigen dhanee fikuru kurumaa dhene
gathumuge marukazakee hiyykan keerithi Qur'an ge isve dhennevunu
aayathugaives vaafadhain ( ) "haggugoiy ein nuvisney hiyythakeh
ebaimeehunnan ve e" mibasfulhuge thedhukan.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Dhon Eysaa Kaleyfaanu Vaahaka

Dhon Eysaa Kaleyfaanu (Kurin'bee Reethi Katheeb) badhigekolhah dhiumun
radhunge anhenun Dhon Eysaa Kaleyfaanaa vaahaka dhahkavan feshie.
Namaves radhunge an'bikan'balunge evves husha elhumeh Dhon Eysaa
Kaleyfaanu gaboolufulheh nukurevvi e. Adhi goiy gothun radhunge
an'bikan'balun vaahakadhakkaaves ein evves kamakaai Dhon Eysaa
kaleyfaanu gaboolufulhuve nulevvumun radhunge an'bikan'balun
rulhidhuruvegen gos Eysaa kaleyfaanaai dhimaa ah vidhaalhu vie. "Nikan
dhekihun naashe" mihen vidhaalhuvefaa radhunge an'bikan'balun gekolhah
vadaigathee e. Eahfahu Dhon Eysaa Kaleyfaanu kuran dhiya masakkaiy
nimumun Kurin'bee ah aumahtakai dhathuru kuree e. Dhon Eysaa
Kaleyfaanu Male in furithanaa edhdhuvahaku radhun gekolhah vadai
gathumun Radhunge an'bikan'balun dhenne vie. "Kurin'bee Dhon Eysaa
Kaleyfaanakee vaa varegge meeheththaa e". "Eynaa e dhiyaee
alhugan'daai vaahaka dhahkan ulhi ekan gaboolu nukuree mae".

Edhuvasvarakee Kurin'bee gai namaadh kurumahtakai hukuru miskiyy
kudakamun ithuru miskitheh hedhumah Dhon Eysaa Kaleyfaanu masakkaiy
kuramun ai dhuvasvare. Egothun Male in rashah dhuruve miskithuge
masakkaiykoh miskiyy nimmaa miskithugai namaadhuves nukoh ulhenikoh
Dhon Eysaa Kaleyfaanu Male Dhiumahtakai radhunge faiykolhu athuvejje
e. Namaves Dhon Eysaa Kaleyfaanu elhuvvi miskithugai hukurunukoh
dhiumakee hiyyhamajehey kamakah noon kamun, hukuru kohfai noony
nudhaan huttaa Male dhiun lasvegen radhunge faraaiypulhun Dhon Eysaa
Kaleyfaanu balaa athuvejje e. Edhuvahakee hafthaaegge angaara
dhuvaskamahvaathee hukurudhuvahu hukurukohfai dhiumah Dhon Eysaa
kaleyfaanu edhumunves e goiy gabooleh nukuri e. Ehenkamun edhuvahu
madukoh budha dhuvahu e miskithugai hukurukohfai furaigen Male dhiyaee e. Male gos radhunge gekolhah dhiyakan
dhenahurimeehaku thibi kamah ve e.

E ahfahu Dho Eysaa Kaleyfaanu dhuh meehaku ulhunukamah nu ve e. E
ahfahu rashun meehun maruvaan feshikamashaai ekamah fanditha
hedhumahtakai H Dh Faridhoo meehakugenes, kan'dah faalan alhaa
hedhumahfahu kiyavaa rah hadhaa kan'dah rah dhekkumahfahu meehun
maruvun huttunukamashaai, eygefahun konme budha vileyreaku iyyseh
gon'du dhoshah laggaakamashaai e iheege thereygai masgan'du noanna
vaahaka akeeves dhekevey vaahaka eke. dhuvasthakah maazeeaa ekuvegengos Dhivehi
Raajjeygai hin'gamun ai raskan uvi jumhooree verikamah badhaluvumaai
gulhigen radhunge gekolhugai huri thakethi nere gekolhu saaf kurumuge
thereygai ethanuge therein nerunu guraa maruthabaaneggaa meehegge
hashigan'du hurithan fenigen guraamaruthabaanu beli iru endherin
hadhaifaivaa mahteh fiyohsegge muggan'du fenune. E muggadugai
"Kurin'bee Velaanaa" mihen liyefaivaakamah dhekeve e. Dhon Eysaa
Kaleyfaanakee e irugai Velaanaakan dhevvaafai huri beykalekkan mi
vaahakain dheyhavegen dhe e. Adhi Dhon Eysaa Kaleyfaanu lhuvvi miskiyy kamah bunaa miskithuge bingaa
mihaaruves fennaan ebahuhte. Adhi e miskiyy veeraanaa vefaivaairu e
miskiyy huri thanugai mihaaru varah bodu ranikagahehvanee hedhifa e.
Lafaakurevey gothugai e nikagahakee 200 aharu vefaivaa gaheke. Mihaaru
e gasvanee sarukaarun himaayaiy kohfaivaa Dhivehi Raajjeyge
ginadhuvasvee bodethi gasthakuge thereygai himenifae. E gahah
Kurin'bee meehun kiyaa ulhenee Kurin'beege "Bodu Ranikagas" minamunne.
Mi gas rashuge malamathin gubbeh hen varah dhurah uskon fennan hure e.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Sharks in Maldives

Although many people are frightened at the thought of swimming with sharks.
Maldivian reef sharks are not at all aggressive towards snorkellers
or divers. The very few people who have been bitten by sharks here are
divers involved in shark feeding, and fishermen who are careless in
landing sharks that they have caught. Of the forty or so species of
shark that have been recorded from the Maldives so far, the most
familiar is the Blacktip Reef Shark. Juveniles occur in shallow water
near island beaches, where they avoid larger, deeper-swimming sharks
that might eat them. As a result this species is seen far more often
by sunbathers than by divers or snorkellers. In contrast, the Whitetip
Reef Shark might be seen on almost any dive or snorkel and is probably
the most widespread shark species on Maldivian reefs. The other common
species is the Grey Reef Shark, which occurs regularly at particular
channel entrances and current-swept reefs. Getting into position at
the upstream end of such dive sites is sometimes a bit of a challenge,
but always rewarding.

* In this post I displayed two Whale Sharks (Rhincodon typus,
Fehurihi in Dhivehi. The largest fish in the World, this is a
harmless plankton feeder) photo those are taken in the Maldives.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Salaam Levvi Hoodh Alayhe Salaam ge Gaumuge meehunge vaahaka

Mee in'gireysi vilaathuge research kuraa meehehkamahvaa Thomas 1932 vana aharu liyuhvaafaivaa Arabia Seelics kiyaa fotheh. Nicklause buninigothugai Arabian Seelics in nandhevifaivaa hisaabevvaakamugai Roomeenge qadheemee liyunthakun dheyhavey. Arabian peninsulage dhekunuge sarahahdhu thakah roomeen dheefaivaa namakee Arabia Seelics. Roomeen Seelics kiyaa ulhuny mussan'dhinnahkamun Arabia Seelics ey kiyunu hisaabakee mussan'dhi Arabeen ulhunu hisaabah ramzuvegegenvaa namekkan ingey. Suvaalakee emeehunnah emussandhikan libunee kihineiybaa eve.

Buneveygothugai e zamaanugai mihisaabu gan'dah haassa varah un'dhagulun heiydheygaheh hurey. Migahuge hikigofithah endhumun varah meeru vahedhdhovaa. Frankincense ge namun mashooruvegenvaa mi sentakee dheenee ikhthifaaluthakugai meeruvasdhuvvan dhuniyeyge ekikankolhuthakugai beynunkurevunu hun'vandheh. Ehenkamun ezamaanugai mee ranahvurevves aguhuri echchakahvegendhiya. Adhi mi hun'van'dhu ufahdhaigen thanavaskan hoadhi Badhaveen akee mussan'dhi arabeenkamugai vegen dhiya.

Thomas eynaage fothugai haamakurigothugai thahleel thakugai eynayaa ekkon ulhunu Badhaveenge dharifaskolhah nisbaiyvaa meehun eynaa ah saharaatherein magehdhekki. E meehun bunigothugai emagakee Ubar namakahkiyaa varah mussan'dhi rashakah emeehunge kaabafain dhathurukuri mageh. Mirah hoadhan dhiumah Thomas varah shauguverivi namaves mi dhathuru nufeshenees Thomas niyaavumun mikamah huttun aisfaive. Thomasge foiythakugaivaa mauloomaathakuge aleegai Nickalous avasvegathy gellifaivaa rah hoadhumuge masakkathugai. Eynaage dhathurufeshumuge kureen Nickalous NASA ge e heeves hoadhi. NASA ge Sattellitethakun negi photothakunves Nickalous ge dhiraasaathakah ithurumagu thah fennamun dhiya. Nickalous ge athugaivaa ihuge chart thakaa NASA ge sattellite photothakaa alhaakiyumun ethaketheege eggoiykan Nickalous ah en'gunu. Adhi saharaatherein dhathurukohfaivaa gina guna magu ais mishraabu jahaifaivanee ehhisaabahkan Nickalous ah visnunu Nickalousge dhathuru fashanveevaguthu jehuneekan eynaa ah en'gunu. Gellifaivaa rah hoadhumuge un'dhagoo adhi dhigudhathuraigen Nickalous ge team kuriah dhiyaee varah joasaai hiyyvaraaeku. Veleege farubadhathahnoon ehen echcheh lolukolhah fen nahneiy saharaatherein dhathurukurumugai veevarakun zamaanee technologyge beynunkurevunu. Thafaathubura masakkaiythakakahfahu Nickalous menge teamah emeehunge manzilah vaasil vevunu.

Badhaveenge kaabafain bune ulhunu Ubar namakahkiyaa rah hurihisaabah emeehun nah aadhevuneekan Nickalous mehnan en'gunu. Ehisaabugan'du konumun valhujehifaivaa saharegge nisaanthah fennahfeshi fanaavefaivaa imaaraiythah fenmathivaan feshumun mee keerithi Qur'angai angavaafaivaa Aadh baagaimeehun binaakohfaivaa Eeraam ge namun nandhevifaivaa rahkamuge hekithah fennahfeshi Nickalous eynaage researchgai keerithi Qur'ange beynunves kohfaive. Eeram kiyaa rashakee dhigu than'bu thakeh ekulevigenvaa rashehkamah keerithi Qur'an in dheyhavey. Arabibahun than'bah beynunkuraa bahuge anemmaana akee munnaaru. Veemaa ehengothakah bunaanama Eeraam aky us munnaaruthakeh ekulevigenvaa rashekkamah keerithi Qur'ange aleegai bunevidhaane. Ehisaabu konumugai us munnaaruthakehge baithah fenifaive migothun fenifaivaa baithah plankoh computer graphic technologyge eheegai ezamaanugai mirah hunnaanekamah lafaakureveygoiy andhaazaakuraa kurehunthah kurehunu.

Mithahuleel thakugai ulhuvvi beyfulhekkamugaivaa Dr. Lowyer haamakuraagothugai mihoadhunthakaa mibaavathuge ehenhoadhunthakugai fenifaivaa rahthakaa alhaabalaairu thafaathehneiy. E ee mifaharufenifaivaa rashah khaassavegenvaa munnaaruthah adhi mee keerithi Qur'an gai angavaafaivaa Aadh baagaa meehunge Eeram e kiyunu rahkamahves Dr. lowyar kashavarukohdhin. Surathul Fajr ge 6,7 adhi 8 vana Ayathuge maanaigavanee " kaleygefaanuge veri raskalaan'ge Aadh baagaige meehunnaamedhu kanthah kurevvigoiy kaleygefaanah en'givadai nugannavaathoa eve. E ee than'buthakugeveri Eeram aeve kiyunu rashuge ahuluverine. E binaathakakee rahthakugai e fadha binaathakeh hedhifai nuvaafadha binaathake." Surathul Qamr 18,19 adhi 20 vana Ayathuge maanaige vanee "Aadh baagaige meehunves dhogu kurieve. Fahe thimanraskalaan'ge azaabaa thimanraskalaange inzaaruthahvee konfadhayakun heyyeve. Dhemihunnanivi sunpaakamegge dhuvaheggai gadha adaa gadha fineege vayeh hamakashavarun thimanraskalaan'ge ebaimeehunge mahchah fonuvveeme. E vairoalhi ais meesthakun thibithanun luhelieve. Vettifaivaa kadhuru ruththakeffadhain vaakahalae."

Archeologistun hoadhaifaivaa Ubar ge ahuluvereen ulhunu rashah kurimathivi museebaathakee ebaimeehunge gaathah fonuvvi rasoolaage basthah dhogukoh Maaiy Allah ge amurufulhuthakah nukiyamantherivumun ebaimeehunge mahchah fonuvvi ugoobaatheh. Al-Ahqaaf Soorathuge 24 vana Ayathuge maanaigavanee "fahe ebaimeehunge vaadheethakaa dhimaa ah kurimathilaa udharehah hurasvi vilaagan'denge sifaiga ebaimeehunnah e azaab fenunu hin'dhu ebaihun bunyeve. Meethimanmennah vaarey vissaadheyne vilaagan'dekeve. Engevieve adhi kiyeththa e ee avasvumah thiyaibaimeehun edhigen ulhunu kanthakeve. Veyn'dhenivi azaab ekulivigenvaa gadhavayeve." Keerithi Qur'an nun dheyhavaagothugai ebaimeehunnah kurimathivaan ulhey museebaathuge inzaaruthah fenumunves emeehun qaafilukan maathee dhemithibe adhikieththa e ee emeehunnah liben ulhey barakaathekkamah heekoh avahah elibumah edhi edhi thibbaa Allah ge veyndhenivi azaab funuhvevunu.

Museebaathugekurin fenunu inzaarakee vissaara vilaagan'dekkamah ebaimeehun heekuri. Mikamun lafaakurevenee Aadh baagaige meehunnah kurimathivee veleege thoofaanekkan mikahala thoofaan saharaain annairu eburey nagooroalhiehge sababun saharaage veligan'du vaige thereah dhamaigannagoiyvey adhi dhurun fennairu jahvugai vayaa veyyaa mashunive vissaara vilaagan'degge avaamendhureffadhain balanthibey meehunnah heekuruva. Aadh baagaige meehunves mifadhain balanthibbai veleege thoofaanehais emeehun dhirithibbai valhulevunee. Ubar fenifaivanee ethah tanegge velinegifahunkamun mifadha thoofaanehais erah valhulevuneekamah yageenaa gaathah bunevidhaane adhi keerithi Qur'an gaivaagothah haiyreyaa ahdhuvahah mi ugoobaaiy dhemigendhiyakamun rah ekkoh valhulevigen dhaanekan dheyhavey. Vaige thoofaaneh aikamuge enme muhinmu dhaleeleiykamah gina bayakudhekenee keerithi Qur'an gai Ahkaaf mi lafzu beynun kurahvaafai vumun. Al-Ahkaaf Soorathuge 21vana aayathuge maanaigaivanee "Aadh baagaige meehunge ahk Hoodhgefaanunge vaahaka kaleyfaanu kiyai dhevvaashe e ee veli farubadhathakugaivaa ekaleyge faanuge gaumuge meehunnah ekaleygefaanu inzaaru kurevvi hin'dhe. Ekaleyge faanunge kurinnaa ekaleygefaanunge fahun inzaaru kurahvaa rasoolunvanee faaithuvegosfakan kashavare. Thiyaibaimeehun Allah ah menuvee alhukan nukuraa hushikame. Hamakashavarun boduvegenvaa dhuvahegge azaabakaamedhu thiyabaimeehunge mahchah aharen biru gannameve."

Arabi bahugai Ahkaafu ge muraadhakee veleege farabadha meegen dheyhavanee Aadh baagaige meehun vazanverivegen ulhunu vaadhee vashaigenvanee veleege farubadhathakekkan. Ehenkamun veleege thoofaaneh athuvejjenama erah velinforuvegen dhiumakee varah gaiykameh. Efadha thoofanegge baaruverikamun meesthakun vissi vihaalive hashigan'duge bai bai valhulevifai hunnaane, vetti valhujehifaivaa rukuge budu thahfadhain. Mifadha dhigu dhemigenvaa baarugadha thoofaanegge sababun kuda vaguthukolhegge thereygai velifarubadhathakegge ahseyreegai dhiriulhey bayaku valhulevigen dhiumakee enme ekasheegenvaagoiy adhi dhirithibbaa hurihaa emmen effahaa valhulevi dhuvasthah maazeegethereah gos erah mahchah hanafas saharaa fethurigendhaane adhi Allah ge rahumathun thanavaskan libi mussandhi arabeenkamah mulhi dhuniyeah nan mashooruvi bayaku kuda hin'dhukolhegge thereygai varah nikamethi gotheggai fanaave ebaimeehunge nisaanevves fennah neiyhaalu dhuniyematheen fohevigen dhiyaee. Keerithi Qur'an gai angavaafaivaagothah Aadh baagaige meehun nethikurevvee. Allah Subhaana Watha aalaa angavaa dhakkavaafaivaa thedhumagun ekkibaave bodaavumuge sababun Ekan'laan'ge azaabaa kurimathilaan majubooruvee. Alhugan'dumeh mi programme gai balaali gaumuthakuge ahuluvereenves araigathee ekkahala kuththakakah ehurihaa emmenves ekkauvantha Allah ah nukiyamantherivi Allah ge magun ekkibaavi Allah noon ehen ilaahunnah alhukankuranfeshi dhuniyamatheegai fasaadhakuranfeshi Allah kan'da alhuvvaafaivaa imun beyruve badhu ahklaagee amaluthah kurumugai hahdhufahana alhaidhia. Natheejaaegge gothun gadhavegenvaa azaabu fonuvi emeehun nethikurevunu. Alhugandumeh mi programme gai mi balaalee migothah fanaakurevunu gaumuthakuge therein varah madhubayakah dhuniyeyge ekikankolhuthakah balaalias fanaakurahvaafaivaa ginagun'na gaumuthakuge nisaanthah fennah ebahuri adhi ithuru gaumuthah fennamundhey. Mifadhakanthakun ibraiylibi mifadha gaumuthakah dhimaavefaivaa kanthahthakaamedhu visnaa biruvethivumah alhugan'dumehnah keerithi Qur'an gai angavaafaive. Soorathul Quflathuge 15vana aayathuge maanaigaivanee "fahe Aadh baagaige meehun dhannaashe, ebaimeehun hahgakaanulai bimugai bodaavegathe adhi ebaimeehun bunye thimanmennah vure baaru gadhaee kaaku heyye. Ebaimeehun hedhdhevi Allah ebaimeehunnahvure baarugadhakan ebaimeehunnah neygenee hey adhi thimanraskalaan'ge aayaiythakah dhekolhu hadhaa bayakukamugai ebaimeehunviye." Allah ge magun ekkibaave ekan'laan'ge amuruthakah nukiyamantherivejjenama kureege gaumuthakah kurimathivi museebaiythah mizamaanugai kurimathivumeeves ekasheegenvaakamekkan alhugan'dumen han'dhaan bahahtanvaane. Allah Subhaanahoo Watha aalaa eyruves adhi mihaaruves kulhadhunvanthavegenve. hama efadhain Allah engevimagun hin'gaameehunnah dhedhuniyematheega baajjaverikan dhevvumahves Ekan'laan'ge kulhadhunvantha vevodigenve. Enmehai yeyokamakaa rivethikameh milkuvegenvanee Allah Subhaanahoo Watha aalaa ah. Alhugan'dumegge vaajibakee alhugandumehnan dhevvaafaivaa ginaguna niumaiythakah shukuruverivaahaalu Allah ge rahumaiyfulhah edhi edhi thibun. Al-Imraan Soorathuge 137 adhi 138 vana aayathuge maanaigaavanee "eki eki ummaiythakaamedhu hin'gaidhiya kanthaththakeh thiyabaimeehunge kurin isve hin'gaiyjekan kashavare, fahethiyabaimeehun bimugai dhathuru fathurukoh ulheyshe dhen dhogukulhameehunge natheejaa othee konfadhayakunthoa nikan balaalaashey. Mee meesthakunnah oiy saafu seedhaa bayaaneke adhi magu dhekkevumeke adhi thaqvaavereennah oiy vaudheke."

Note: This is a text of a Dhivehi translation of a documentary film made by HarunYahya (Adnan Oktar).